Nepal’s First VIDEO FM, CITIZEN FM 97.5 was founded in 2068 B.S (2012 A.D). Through various form of broadcasting (Audio on Air at 97.5 MHz, CITIZEN FM 97.5 Website’s Contents: especially in VIDEO Format) we aim to gain unprecedented levels of trust by conveying right information to the general public. It is up to general public that they find relevant information according to their taste in information leading to different designs of our programs and their timely scheduling, and continuous media surveys and research, as well as their strong implementation wherever our studies finds it relevant.
Our communication strategy has been diverse throughout time and has been dealing with information in diverse sectors of the environment, such like politics, nature, general economics, corporate updates, and bodies of public interests, crimes, social injustice, health, agriculture, technology and education. Our fields of interests are gaining a big momentum this year and we are introducing many productive and innovative programs this year.
As Nepal’s FIRST VIDEO FM, we at CITIZEN FM 97.5 are on our ambitious venture of implementing a digital Revolution that has been going around for quite a while. We have been noticing the changes in taste of information Medias in people, since people are shifting more into digital products than in hardcopy stuffs to gather information. We took the initiative of making a VIDEO FM where one could watch our programs go LIVE on our Website, while still being able to listen to our programs by a traditional Radio Set.
Our Programs are available in our social networking websites, like Facebook or You-tube too. This year, as of 2018, we are implementing our efforts to cover a larger audience by introducing our innovative FM applications to your Android Phones and Apple Devices.